Was this really nessecary three days before our anniversary?
bcux we can lol!!1
Age 34, Male
Gay,Unoriginal,Sq ui
Joined on 1/7/06
Was this really nessecary three days before our anniversary?
fucking wow
that's really discouraging
Jesus fucking christ... those bastards...
that sucks.
Not cool Wade, not fucking cool.
R.I.P SplatterSocom
R.I.P CarrotSocom
R.I.P PumpkinSocom
R.I.P AnarchyGlock
They'll be back.
The Jews did it.
no actually they had died from poisoning long before this happened
guys we totally suck
we totally suck guys
damn that wade
wade that damn
I mourn your fallen comrades.
In Soviet Russia, fallen comrades mourn you!
there goes us